Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic 2023

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Anywhere in the head or neck can become painful during a headache. They affect children frequently, have a wide range of causes, and range greatly in severity. The Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic is a place where patient get relief to chronic headache.

Knowing the difference between a headache that will pass and one that requires medical attention is crucial.

Children's Mercy Headache Relief Clinic

A child health care facility called Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic can be found in 20300 E Valley View Pkwy, Blue Springs, Missouri, 64015, USA.

What Indicates a Headache and How Does It Feel?

Migraines and tension headaches are two types of headaches that frequently affect children.

Stressed-out head or neck muscles contract excessively tightly, resulting in tension headaches. These symptoms of pain include:

  • a dull agonising continual feeling as if someone is squeezing or pressing on the front, rear, or both sides of the head.
  • dull
  • aching
  • constant
Children's Mercy Headache Relief

Less frequently, Migraine Headaches occur. They may lead to:

  • dizziness and a pounding, throbbing headache on one or both sides of the head
  • stomachaches
  • vomiting and/or nausea while observing dots or haloes (called an aura)
  • abnormally high sensitivity to sound and light

So basically the average migraine lasts from 30 minutes and several hours as per . Some of these may last for a few days. When any individual is physically active or in the presence of strong scents, light, or loud noises, they may feel even worse.

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Young children may not be able to express how painful their headaches are. Parents can observe that their children are grumpy and less active. They can even vomit or appear pale or flushed.

Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic

GammaCore is a brand-new device that is being used at Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic.

“Most parents are familiar with TENS devices. The vagus nerve goes through the neck near the carotid artery, so it’s similar to a TENS unit except for that nerve “paediatric neurology specialist Dr. Anna Esparham explained.

When the nerve detects discomfort, such as from headaches, the device stimulates it electrically. The device’s purpose is to assist in blocking the pain impulses that can result in migraines and cluster headaches.

Children’s Mercy employs a variety of techniques to treat severe headaches. Patients can receive a variety of treatments, including acupuncture and medication.

The new technology is not completely treating the headache, according to hospital doctors, but is helping.

How Headache Relief Clinic Diagnose?

To determine what might be causing the headaches, your doctor at Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic will examine your child and obtain information about their health history. The physician will inquire into:

  • The severity of the headaches and the frequency with which they occur
  • when the headaches first began
  • how the headaches feel and where the pain is
  • whether the headaches follow a pattern or if they fluctuate over time
  • any more symptoms
  • any new injuries
  • something that causes headaches
    • your child’s nutrition, habits, sleeping patterns, and what seems to alleviate or worsen the headaches
  • any anxiety your youngster may be experiencing
  • any previous medical issues
  • any medications your child is taking
    • are there any allergies?
  • any ancestors with a headache history
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Doctors frequently advise parents, as well as older children and teenagers, to keep a headache journal to assist identify the issue. List them in the diary:

  • each and every headaches
  • when they occur
  • length of time they last
  • a few observations regarding what might have triggered them
Doctor from Headache Relief Clinic

The doctor will do a complete neurological examination. This may entail having your child walk or touch his or her nose, as well as looking directly into their eyes and putting their nerves to the test. The doctor may prescribe: to check for medical conditions that could be causing headaches.

  • tests on blood
  • brain MRIs and CAT scans are examples of imaging testing


If your child is really suffering from chronic headache or migraine pain Children’s Mercy Headache Relief Clinic is the one stop solution.

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